Full Line-Up Of BPM | PRO Learning Sessions For Mobile DJs
BPM | PRO, the biggest event on the annual mobile DJ calendar, is coming up next week and Pro Mobile will be hosting a learning space dedicated to mobile DJs. Across the three days of the event - Sunday the 11th to Tuesday the 13th of September - fourteen educational sessions targeted at mobile DJs will take place in the Learn | Four area.
Located in the main Genting Arena bowl, right next to the Pro Mobile stand (AC10), Learn | Four will feature interesting presentations from leading mobile DJs as well as panel discussion sessions hosted by Pro Mobile’s Editor Eddie Short. All of the sessions are open to all BPM | PRO visitors, although seats will be limited, so be sure to arrive early for presentations that you particularly want to see.
Here’s the full line-up for the three days:
Sunday 11th September
12:00 - Why your Price List is Priceless!
By Ian Forest
The humble price list is often the source of many headaches for the professional DJ, especially when it comes to having confidence in your worth. This seminar is perfect for those who are having problems with price-shoppers and people not coming back to you once they discover your fees. You may be surprised to learn that it may not be because your prices are too high.
13:00 - Starting Out as a DJ (Where will your journey take you?)
By Pete Hawkins
We are all on a journey: for some it will be a clearly defined route while others wander aimlessly. Pete Hawkins aims to help you discover if your Sat Nav is working for your DJ career, or if it is taking you down the wrong road!
14:00 - Creative Mobile DJ Lighting
Hosted By Eddie Short
Lighting that enhances the mood of an event and creates a party atmosphere is one of the key aspects of running a modern mobile DJ service. With recent advances in technology and the affordability of equipment, there has never been a better time for mobile DJs to use lighting creatively to produce spectacular results for their clients. The latest lighting equipment will be on display on the BPM | PRO show floor, but just as important as choosing the right fixtures is setting them up effectively and using them to their full potential. For this panel session Eddie Short will be joined by a group of well-established DJs who excel at creative lighting. The panel will cover everything from practical issues such as fixture placement and keeping cables tidy, to photographing your lightshow and selling it to prospective customers.
15:00 - Weddings - Making a Real Connection
By Martin Keogh
If you are looking to gain some knowledge and tips, and learn some tried and tested techniques on how to connect with brides and grooms and make a lasting impression, then this seminar is for you! With knowledge, training and experience gained from some of finest and most respected UK and US DJs and mentors, Martin Keogh will present this fast-paced seminar featuring techniques he personally uses in the run up to the meeting, the meeting itself, and then in the lead up to the wedding. Martin will share valuable information on how he does what he does, and the approach he uses for his clients’ weddings!
16:00 - NADJ AGM
2016 sees the first time that the NADJ AGM will be held at BPM|PRO. All NADJ members are requested to attend the AGM, where the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary for the 2016-2017 term of office will be elected. Doors will open at 16:00 for refreshments and networking. The formal part of the AGM will then start at approximately 16:20. All members attending the AGM will receive a limited edition USB memory stick containing an exclusive mix from Mastermix, created just for NADJ members.
Monday 12th September
12:00 - 7 Ways to Know Your Niche
By Fabio Capozzi
With greater access to music and continued sub-categorising of music genres, there is a growing trend of assumed expert music knowledge. Customers are looking for a ‘good fit’ when it comes to DJs delivering excellent entertainment and value for their event. To be clear on exactly what is your own niche has never been more important to ensure you are THE ‘best fit’ for bookings at which you can really excel.
13:00 - CHAUVET DJ – Under The Hood!
By Sam Bowden
A chance to go undercover... Intimidator style!! Join CHAUVET DJ Product Development Specialists for a hands on interactive session as they provide great advice on what to look out for and the processes to go through in order to ensure that you get the maximum life from your moving head fixtures. They will show you common faults made with moving head maintenance, the best ways to diagnose these issues and some little things which can be resolved easily rather than having to send the units in for repair.
14:00 - How to Attract Brides Who Book on Value and Not Price
By Terry Lewis
Common problems DJs face include things such as brides who shop around for the best price, thinking they can’t command a higher fee in their area, and being seen as a luxury or an unnecessary expense by wedding couples. If you face these issues, and want to build a successful wedding business that takes care of you and those you love, fill your calendar with quality bookings and operate in the value segment of the wedding industry, this session is for you. Terry Lewis will share some insights on how he attracts brides who book on value and not on price, and hopefully will help you to do the same.
15:00 - Supercharging your Website
By Barney Grossman
Today, everyone has a website: it's no longer an option, it's expected. Success is no longer achieved by simply having a website, now you need to have a website that attracts high numbers of visitors and then delivers enquiries. This is not just about spending your money on Facebook advertising or making your website look pretty, there’s more to it… a lot more. Barney will share secrets that he uses on his own website as well as those used by big brands to create digital success.
16:00 - ADJ: DMX 101
By Ian Webster
Take control of your lighting! With many Mobile DJs using the built-in sound to light functions of their lights, DMX seems to be a complex and scary world to delve in to. However, Ian from ADJ will take you through the basic principles of DMX, and how to make a start in getting your lighting show built! If you have been put off DMX before now, then make sure you attend this session to find out how easy it is to get started.
Tuesday 13th September
12:00 - Setting Up Your PA – The Right Way!
By Jack Wilson
Hosted by FBT's Jack Wilson, this session will outline the various considerations that are necessary when setting up a mobile DJ sound system. Throughout the presentation, Jack will discuss speaker placement, gain structure, EQ/DSP and speaker coverage. He will also talk about crossover points (HPF/LPF), explaining what they are and what settings you should choose to achieve the best possible sound from your system.
13:00 - From DJ to Host
Hosted By Eddie Short
One of the biggest trends in the mobile DJ world over the past few years is the move many DJs have made into becoming the host of the events at which they are booked to perform. Particularly relevant to the wedding market, DJs who offer hosting services are able to command significantly higher fees and also often find that they become better connected to the guests at their functions, making for a packed dancefloor later on in the evening. However, if you’re a mobile DJ considering making the move into hosting, it can be a daunting prospect as there is no hard and fast set of rules as to exactly what a wedding host does. Join Pro Mobile magazine’s editor, Eddie Short, and a panel of leading wedding hosts for this information-packed session that will discuss every element of hosting from preparation to performance, marketing to making memories.
14:00 - How to 10x Your Income!
By Tony Winyard
What does it take to multiply your income by 10? Well-respected mobile DJ Tony Winyard will share with you his thoughts and ideas to help guide you through the process! If you’d like to setup up from part-time to full-time, or simply want to be able to generate a better income from your DJ business, this is the session for you.
15:00 - Lessons from Clubland for Mobile DJs
By Steve Canueto
In today’s day and age, where mobile DJs are increasingly expected to be able to mix like the DJs their clients encounter on a night out, the best mobile DJs are already taking steps to up their game by borrowing DJ techniques from club DJs. In this talk, ex-Ministry of Sound DJ Steve Canueto will share several simple, easy-to-learn secrets from the world of club DJing that ANY mobile DJ can use instantly to improve their mixing style and DJing performances, in order to command higher fees... and have more fun!