Mastermix Release Love CD For Valentine's Day

It’s getting close to that special ‘loved up’ time of the year again and Mastermix are already prepared! They have released a ‘for DJs only’ CD containing classic love tracks that have been made a little bit longer, just in time for Valentine’s Day! Extended Floor Fillers Love features 12 classic love themed tracks to give everyone 'that loving feeling'.
The disc contains a selection of tracks that are ideal for any ‘V-day’ event. Kicking off the album are the golden oldies ‘Can’t Get Enough Of Your Love, Babe’ from Barry White and ‘Moondance’ by Van Morrison. Then, bringing it up to date a little, there are the 90s hit ‘Stars’ by Simply Red, made famous by the romcom movie ‘Sarah’, and the livelier track ‘Looking For Love’ by Karen Ramirez.
Other Tracks include ‘It Must Be Love’ by Madness, ‘She’s Always A Woman’ by Billy Joel and ‘Are You Ready For Love’ by Elton John. There's also the track that is always copied but never bettered, ‘How Deep Is Your Love’ by the Bee Gees!
Buy Extended Floorfillers Love now from your local DJ store or direct from Mastermix priced at just £10.21.