AMPdj Sunderland Meet-Up

AMPdj will be hosting an exciting DJ Meet-Up on Tuesday the 3rd of July for those who live in Sunderland and the surrounding areas. There will be plenty to take part in as well as a great chance to network with fellow DJs.
The evening, which is co-supported by Phase One DJ Superstore and will include a chat from owner Mike Stead, has a fun-packed line-up. The Meet-Up will feature short (but sweet) seminars, demos of a full DJ rig, the chance to pick up some bargains and of course the opportunity to discuss industry news with peers.
Paul from AMPdj says “We’re looking forward to our first meet-up in Sunderland and the chance to meet our members there. The evening is open to all DJs, not just AMPdj members, and we always aim to make them light-hearted and fun. My thanks to all those who help us to organise these meetings and make them a success.”
AMPdj mascot DJ Hank says “I have quite a large fan base in the North East so I’m planning to sneak into the van and hitch a ride. Hopefully I’ll see you there too.”
Here’s the agenda for the 3rd of July:
7.30pm Doors Open (chance for networking)
8.00pm Welcome from Regional Coordinator
8.05pm Chat from Mike at Phase One
8.15pm Chat from AMPdj (including a short seminar on replying to enquiries plus tips to convert more bookings)
8.25pm Surprise Guest (who may be persuaded to sing)
8.30pm Buffet & Chance to Network
9.00pm Members Show (Jules Hendry - Awesome Productions)
9.10pm DJ Software comparison (Virtual DJ, PCDJ, OtsDJ & Traktor)
9.25pm Raffle, Q&A and Auction (chance for people to auction off unwanted equipment)
10.00pm End
The AMPdj Meet-Up will take place at the Golden Lion, South Hylton, Sunderland, SR4 0NG on Tuesday the 3rd of July at 8pm.