NADJ Staffordshire Meeting

The NADJ are teaming up with DJ and Karaoke gear retailer Cookies to host the inaugural meeting of the Staffordshire NADJ. Taking place on Monday the 6th of August at The Borough Arms Hotel in Newcastle-Under-Lyme, this will be a great opportunity for local DJs to get together and find out more about the NADJ.
The evening will begin at 7:30 for an 8:00pm start and light refreshments will be provided at around 8:45. Entry will be free and all are welcome. The planned schedule for the meeting is as follows:
19:30 Registration and time to mingle [the bar will be open]
20:00 Introductions & Presentation of NADJ aims and objectives by Derek Pengelly
20:30 Introduction of supporting retailer, Bernie from Cookies of Stoke-on-Trent & presentation + demo of and exclusive new Laser product
20:45 Break for refreshment, courtesy of Cookies [Light Buffet]
21:15 Bose L1 System demonstration from Andy of Goodtimes Roadshow
21:30 Your views / opinions regarding future meetings, content, location & frequency
22:00 Meeting formally closed, but still time for more informal chat, networking and a chance to check out fabulous offers from Cookies
22:30 Time please, let’s be off!

Published: 01 August 2007