Pro Mobile Needs You!

We have received some great feedback on the ‘Home Made’ feature in the current issue of Pro Mobile; it seems that Jim wasn’t the only person to create his own lighting controller ‘back in the day’! However, despite the popularity of the feature, at the moment it looks as if ‘Home Made’ will not be returning in the next issue of Pro Mobile. This is not an editorial decision, but simply because no one else has come forward with another piece of DIY DJ gear.
The solution to this dilemma rests in the hands of you, the loyal Pro Mobile readers. If you have any relics from yesteryear cluttering up your lofts, garages or even garden sheds you can help. We need you to root out your old homemade gear, dust it off, take a few snaps and email them in to us along with the story behind what the gear is and how it came about. It doesn’t matter if it is sound, lighting or any other kind of mobile DJ gear, if you created (or adapted) it with your own fair hands, we want to hear about it.

Published: 30 July 2007