REVIEWED: Bishopsound Power Conditioner
Before I started out as a DJ, I had all of three bits of knowledge of electricity. 1) How it was discovered. Benjamin Franklin’s use of a kite ignited (pun intended) our knowledge and development of electricity. I bet his kids weren’t impressed at the state of their toy afterwards though. 2) How to wire a plug, though the wires really needed to be the colours on the little diagram. 3) If you touch it, it can be very hurty.
I won’t claim to having anything like an advanced knowledge now, but I definitely know a lot more about the sparkly stuff than I ever did. As DJs, electricity and how we use it is something we should all learn a bit about, not least because without it, we wouldn’t be able to do very much of our job, would we? Electricity is our friend. It provides all the power for our lights, speakers, decks and effect machines. So the more you think about it, the more we should get to know and love it.
However, like all good things, you can have too much electricity. And this leads me on to the very long story (which I shall cut down dramatically for you) that preceded my sudden interest in the item I am reviewing here.
A DJ in the US took to Facebook (of course) to tell a long and grim tale about a dispute he got into with another business to which he had subcontracted a job. The work was to provide a large inflatable screen and an outdoor projection system.
Whilst his rant centred on who was at fault and offered some close detail on the lines of fault, what essentially happened was a massive failure of service caused by the complete destruction of two very expensive projectors due to a spike in electricity. We’re talking more than £5000 worth of equipment suddenly becoming worth less than the flight cases in which they were stored.
Now, I’ve always protected my kit with power surge-protected extension leads and have never had an issue, but still, I decided it was ironic that I protect all my expensive kit with what is essentially a £20 socket. My high-price speakers, controller, laptop and assorted bits of equipment should surely be looked after by something I absolutely know will keep it all safe?
Bars, clubs, pubs, restaurants, hotels and village halls have some of the worst power supplies. COVID-19 lockdowns have resulted in even less money spent on maintenance and electrical safety, with low-cost handymen fitting extension sockets. Whilst we all get our equipment PAT tested, who’s to say a venue’s safety certificate is still current?
When we plug into a power socket, our equipment can be affected by all sorts of things: old wiring; poor sockets and switches; questionable equipment plugged into the same circuit; chillers, freezers, cookers and heaters switching in and out – and this is all before I mention that you might be plugging into a generator!
Something else to consider is that weight and portability are key buying motives for mobile DJs. As a result, many active and powered speakers are now using class D technology to reduce the weight and size of the amplifiers. Unlike class A, B or AB amplifiers – which have many Coke can-sized capacitors and a huge toroidal transformer to smooth out any mains fluctuations – class D relies 100% on a clean, constant, smooth, uninterrupted, balanced mains power supply.
Power conditioners increase the quality of power that is delivered to professional powered PA equipment such as active speakers, amplifiers, mixers, and speaker management processors. The term "power conditioner" refers to the many ways to deliver a clean accurate voltage to ensure PA equipment functions correctly. AC power conditioners provide consistent, balanced, clean AC power to sensitive electrical equipment, using surge protection and noise filtering (we’ve all heard the buzz on our speakers which only appears at certain venues).
So, I decided to buy a power conditioner for myself; with all my newfound knowledge it seemed like a bit of a no brainer, and I ordered one from BishopSound. The company, well known for their range of speakers, have been working closely with Furman, the world leaders in power conditioning, in order to provide customers with a solution that protects both products and livelihoods.
The BishopSound Power Conditioner 1u 10amp includes AC noise filtering to reduce radio frequency and electromagnetic interference, a 10amp circuit breaker with 11 outlets, 10 on the rear and one on the front for convenience, and a front panel LED indicator to let you know that all is well. BishopSound also advise the use of a Martindale tester before plugging anything in (this is something I have carried for a while and use at unfamiliar venues).
Luckily, I have a lot of IEC-to-IEC cables so I can set up my speakers and lights quickly and easily. I have an IEC extension socket on its way to make sure my controller and laptop are protected, meaning all my precious kit is kept completely safe. As a bonus, I have reconfigured all my wiring, meaning everything will be a lot faster to set up and pack down!
I don’t think any of us need a degree in electrical engineering to do the job we do, but a bit of knowledge goes a long way and it’s worth taking the time to learn more about the juice that keeps our show on the road. If nothing else, taking steps to protect your investment in kit is very wise indeed.
The full review can be found in Pro Mobile Issue 111, Pages 84-85.