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Other DJs, who might not even be as good as you, are stealing your clients from right under your nose. At least, that’s what many of us tell ourselves. But are they actually? In a world where everyone is struggling to make a living, is it really fair to say that other DJs are ‘stealing’ all the work away from you? Maintaining such a mindset can significantly impede you as a business owner, because the reality is very different.

All those potential clients are choosing to book a different DJ by their own free will, nobody is stealing them from you! Looking around the DJ groups on Facebook there are tons of reasons why DJs feel that others are stealing their business, the main ones being that:

1. people always go for the cheapest DJ
2. there’s no appreciation for what a true professional DJ can bring to the party
3. people would rather sort out their own music and have a Spotify party
4. laptops and other tech have dumbed down and damaged our industry
5. other, less competent DJs are undercutting everyone
6. other DJs have better looking websites
7. almost everyone has a ‘DJ friend’
8. no-one in my area can afford a professional DJ

t’s unfair to say that all of these perceptions are false, because they are very real, but they certainly do not apply to every single potential customer. The truth is that regardless of where you live in the world, there are people who will understand and be happy to invest in your skills because they value what you do. They get what you can do for them and book you on the basis that you’ll provide the level of service they’re looking for.

The real reasons why people aren’t hiring you

Of course, the real question to ask isn’t why other DJs are stealing your clients, but rather why aren’t people hiring you?

What follows isn’t an exhaustive list. But fixing these common issues will put you far ahead of other DJs in your area, making it much less likely that you’ll lose clients.

1. You haven’t identified your target market

You need to understand who it is you want to work for. This is critically important because if you don’t know who your target market is to begin with, how will you know where and how to connect with them? Or how will you identify where they’re going instead of booking you?

Build a profile of your ideal client in as much detail as possible. Think about their age, where they live, their income, musical tastes, and so on. What qualities do they value the most? How do they see your role as a DJ at their event? The more you know about your target market, the more effectively you’ll be able to communicate and engage with them.

2. The reasons why you’re a DJ aren’t clear

Clients won’t ‘get’ you if you don’t get yourself.

Learn more about yourself by asking some...

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The full review can be found in Pro Mobile Issue 123, Pages 34-37.


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