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I was able to speak from a place of experience, because I’ve been a mobile DJ performing at weddings for over 40 years and have trained with some of the best DJs and coaches in the world. This has resulted in regional and national awards as a specialist wedding DJ.

Now I want to follow up that article by covering how you might take the way you work at weddings to the next level. To explore how to stand out from the competition and earn more for the service you provide.

The importance of kit, upselling and marketing are all covered in various forms within the pages of this magazine. Instead, I want to focus on you, the performer; your actions, reactions, and approach.

A great wedding DJ is not just a DJ. You show up differently, you work in a completely different way, and you cover things that most DJs won’t go near. You can be a solution to many things a couple does not know they need, but they will definitely realise how much you added after the day is done.

Taking your business to the next level

So, how do you take your wedding DJ business to the next level? The answer is to improve your knowledge and to get a coach or mentor.

Right now, you may be brilliant at what you do. You may believe that if you keep doing what you are already doing, you will get better; that practice makes perfect. The problem is that you can only take that as far as your current knowledge allows.

So, how do you turn up different? Mindset is vital. If you believe you’re already a fantastic wedding DJ, why would you consider doing anything differently?

Here is a freebie: you are correct, you ARE a great DJ! How do I know this? For a start, you’re reading Pro Mobile Magazine, which automatically puts you in a group of DJs who care about what they do and who want to learn more. Plus, if you’ve been a DJ for any length of time, your past clients will have told you how amazing you are.

The challenge here is that your ego is a double-edged sword. As DJs, we need to be confident that we’re good at what we do. Like actors, we regularly stand in front of people and perform and we want our audience to like us. But the other edge of that sword is complacency; our ego tells us that we’re already great, so we don’t want or need to improve.

For me, everything changed after I attended my first two-day workshop with Mark Ferrell, my friend, coach and mentor. What I learned from that course has become the bedrock of much of what I do as a wedding DJ. And my starting point was to train as a master of ceremonies.

The role of MC

What is a master of ceremonies? This was a genuine question I had when I started the course. When I attended my first workshop, I didn't have a clear idea of the wedding DJ role. All I knew was that I was copying what everyone else was doing and it wasn’t serving me well. To make things worse, I had no real impact on the outcome or success of any wedding beyond playing music.

A wedding master of ceremonies (MC) plays a vital role in ensuring that the wedding ceremony and reception run smoothly and...

To read the full article, you’ll need to have a physical copy of the magazine which you can sign up for here for 6 issues delivered to your door from just £16!

You’ll also get full interactive access to this and the last year of magazines via the Pro Mobile Magazine App which is available from both the Apple App Store and Android PlayStore

The full review can be found in Pro Mobile Issue 121, Pages 62-66.
Photo Booth Expo London
13 / 10 / 2024 - 14 / 10 / 2024
weDJ Expo London
13 / 10 / 2024 - 14 / 10 / 2024


£5.00 (INC P&P)