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That’s the fantasy, why on earth don’t I ever learn? Reality is of course very different. We get loads of enquiries as people suddenly realise that this is the year of their big event. Plus there’s the annual torture of end of year accounts. No matter how well we prepare, there are always questions from the people looking after our numbers.

Now that’s out of the way and I’ve paid my horrendous tax bill, we can get on with the rest of the year. And there’s a huge reason to be excited – it’s Pro Mobile conference time!

Last year’s conference was my first as editor, and in truth had been designed long ago in a time before Covid-19 and my involvement was limited to the final run-in.
This year is very different. Our conference is a huge team effort which takes a lot of research and hard work. It’s vital that we give all attendees who have parted with significant money an opportunity to learn from a variety of sources so they can take their DJ and business skills to new levels.

I have been more than a little surprised to learn just how much is involved in running what is only a two-day event. A schedule of seminars hitting all the most important aspects of being a mobile DJ is quite the challenge.

As much as it’s important to maximise your business skills, it’s also vital to keep improving your mixing, your performance, and I’ll always argue – expand your network.


This is the question I see so often on Facebook groups. As the seasoned pro, award-winning DJ, prominent speaker and brilliant life-coach I know (whom I first met at Pro Mobile conference) commented on one such group, it’s odd that anyone would try and talk other people out of going.

Tony Winyard, take a bow.

I won’t repeat the exact comments which triggered Tony’s brilliant observation, except for the line “nothing you can’t learn on YouTube”.

YouTube really cannot replace the value you will get from experts both within, and outside of our industry, enable you to ask questions relevant to you and your business, find a variety of sources and services to help you be better at what you do and all in the company of like-minded DJs. I’ve just got back from Mobile Entertainment Expo and Photo Booth Expo in Las Vegas where I did all of the above, and so much more. I heard a lot of new ideas, saw loads of new products, met so many inspiring people and had some unforgettable experiences in the company of people I will always regard as great friends.

Attending these events exposes you and your business to a whole lot of information and contacts you will definitely not see on any media channel, any time soon. With self-development comes increased job satisfaction as you become even more brilliant. And why would anyone ever want to be less than the most brilliant they can be?

If you’ve never been, how do you know what you’re missing?

We have now filled our allocation of rooms, we have enough attendees to guarantee a fantastic conference, and I cannot wait. If you’re still on the fence, if you are still thinking about it, I urge you to invest in yourself and reach out to me or Steve – we will find a way of squeezing you in. Not because we like to give ourselves more work, but because we believe in the power of Pro Mobile conference.

It really is a game changer.
The full review can be found in Pro Mobile Issue 118, Page 6.
Photo Booth Expo London
13 / 10 / 2024 - 14 / 10 / 2024
weDJ Expo London
13 / 10 / 2024 - 14 / 10 / 2024


£5.00 (INC P&P)