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I’d ask, what is it that you really want to achieve? I think that you want to ensure that your potential clients have trust in you. Building trust is about putting another person at ease, finding common ground, ideally with laughter and camaraderie thrown in. If you go down the path of asking people about themselves first (especially if you are in your office and not their environment), you risk putting your client on the defensive.

Think about this. When you first meet someone in a non-work capacity, do you launch into 20 questions? No, of course not, it’s a natural flowing conversation. Your clients are most likely searching for a DJ for the first time ever.

You could be in a virtual meeting (which they may or may not be used to) or you may be in a coffee shop that is new to them, or you may be at your office (way more comfortable to you but not them). I’d encourage you to flip the script and share your story first.

Now that I’ve shared with you the ‘what’ (share your story first), let’s look at how to build trust. Think about where you're from. Think about the experiences you've had. Think about ways you can use that to relate to your couple so that they connect with you on a deeper level...

To read the full article, you’ll need to have a physical copy of the magazine which you can sign up for here for 6 issues delivered to your door from just £16!

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Meet Mitch Taylor – International Expert in Sales, Events and Sum Tertius.

Mitch Taylor is an internationally known sales trainer, author and speaker for the events industry and has impacted thousands over the course of his 25 plus year career, through interactive workshop instruction, sales mentoring, educational podcasts and personal coaching. Mitch is the author of the book SALES 4 Event Pros, creator of the series #LyricsToLiveLifeBy and the founder of the Accelerate Your Business Course and Community. Mitch has worked with Jeffrey Gitomer, author of the #1 best selling sales book of all time Little Red Book Of Selling, has performed for celebrities in Malibu California, opened for Redfoo from LMFAO in Las Vegas, and he never met a beach he didn’t like.

Passionate about sharing what he has learned about sales, business and life with others, Mitch is excited to meet you at Pro Mobile Conference in March. For more about Mitch and to check out workshop opportunities to grow your business while he is with you at Pro Mobile, visit:
The full review can be found in Pro Mobile Issue 117, Pages 36-38.
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13 / 10 / 2024 - 14 / 10 / 2024


£5.00 (INC P&P)