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By Jimmy Lee.
An important mantra, especially in recent times, is that it’s simply nice to be nice. Not for financial gain or promotional reasons, but simply for the sake of being nice. Doing so creates a positive feeling in oneself and, we all hope, harnesses good karma. (Yes, being nice may well enhance your reputation too – but we can view that as a fortunate byproduct!)

They say charity begins at home but, for me, an epiphany arrived in the somewhat pleasant surroundings of Jamaica during Christmas 2021. Our family had travelled there to surprise my dad, who was on vacation for his 80th birthday. And during that holiday I had the chance to relax a little and take stock.

Firstly, I considered how well deserved it was after what had proven to be the most brutal six months for our business since we founded it seven years ago. We’d worked over 150 weddings following what felt like a lifetime of lockdowns and confusion. Secondly, I realised how blessed we were to be in such a privileged position as a result of all of that hard work. That was when I decided our foundations were strong enough for us to give something back.

Many of us do our bit for charity, but driving the cause and sponsoring your own charity event is another level. You’d be hard pushed to find an ‘unworthy’ charity, but I wanted to be involved with something that had synergy with our business, who we are and what we’re about. As a DJ, my default sleep setting is firmly fixed in red on the insomniac fader! Late one night, my hyperactive brain collided with Google and I discovered Ace Music Therapy, a local music therapy community interest company in Chelmsford, Essex.
I contacted Ace’s founder, Amelia Clapham, and arranged to meet her for a coffee with my wife, Caroline. Caroline co-owns our businesses and was fully behind my idea. There was no plan as to what shape our support would take or how much investment we would offer, whether equipment, services or financial. Our meeting was simply to find out more and let Amelia know we wanted to help in any way we could. We discovered that the organisation’s primary objective was to raise awareness above all else, so we had our starting point: the idea of a Devoted Events charity night was under way.

To build interest and awareness...

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The full review can be found in Pro Mobile Issue 117, Pages 22-25.
Photo Booth Expo London
13 / 10 / 2024 - 14 / 10 / 2024
weDJ Expo London
13 / 10 / 2024 - 14 / 10 / 2024


£5.00 (INC P&P)