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Even November, a month that typically allows a chance to recharge the batteries ahead of Christmas was unusually busy. Whilst Christmas was plain weird- - lots and lots of amendments and cancelations as services that had been in the diary for months needed to change or be cancelled. The venues we work with struggled to sell joiner parties, resulting in reduced demand for DJs in particular. It seems they achieved similar numbers overall, but mostly by accommodating much smaller parties and ramping up lunches. Businesses are understandably still taking a cautious approach to enforcing their employees to mix with strangers – at one party I heard of a total of 12 guests!

Looking ahead to this year, supply problems will continue to be an issue for some time to come. We’ll have less demand driven by postponements - whilst there will still be some, for my business, the bulk of these are done. There will no doubt be new challenges for our industry, many of which we can’t yet know – but one thing I am certain about, the coming year is a chance for consolidation, time to reflect and breathe, and a time to improve.

Can there be anything better than being told that the job you got into through passion, is one that you are amazing at? The vast majority of DJs I know wish to be told by their customers, that they are “the best DJ ever”. So, what more can you do to improve your chances of receiving this accolade more regularly?

We are approaching the final call for Pro Mobile’s 2023 Conference. I’ve said it many times – our conference is hands down the best networking event you will attend – ever. We have an amazing speaker line-up, two days of unlimited access to fellow DJs, our brilliant awards dinner and some of the biggest brands in our industry will be with us so that you can find out all about their product range, ask questions and provide feedback, ensuring that the kit you buy in future works better for all of us!

During my corporate career, I attended lots of events like our conference. The cost didn’t matter to me as my employer was paying.
I appreciate that you will be spending your own hard-earned money. But I promise you, your investment in yourself will be re-paid, many times over. £499 might seem like a lot of money, but it really isn’t when you look at what you get. Seminars, an awards dinner, accommodation, lunches, networking. I’ll go as far as saying it will be the best money you can possibly spend on self-improvement. And it's tax-deductible!

My first conference proved to be a springboard for my business, and also for me personally. I have made life-long friends from it, shared and received work from the brilliant contacts I made, and have turned my fledgling idea into a proper business, one where I am completely in control of my own destiny.

My question to you is, how will 2023 look when you reflect on this year in January 2024? Do you have a plan to improve the way you work, can you make better equipment decisions, are there alternative ways to do your announcements, client meetings, song selections and mixing as well as plain old showmanship?

Your customers are holding key life events and they deserve the best that you can be. Pro Mobile Conference changed so many things for me I can’t begin to list them and it will for you too.

Need a final reason? Use the code PETE-EDITOR-PMC for £50 off!
The full review can be found in Pro Mobile Issue 117, Page 6.
Photo Booth Expo London
13 / 10 / 2024 - 14 / 10 / 2024
weDJ Expo London
13 / 10 / 2024 - 14 / 10 / 2024


£5.00 (INC P&P)