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Millennial just might sound like the bad ‘M’ word to you, but now-a-days they take up a huge part of the market. If you’re a wedding DJ, it’s your primary market. So how do you speak the Millennial language?

I’m Vanessa Joy (Instagram: @vanessajoy – come say hi!), a high-end wedding photographer in the New York City area who has been around since about 2002. I’ve watched marketing methods change over the years, and I’ve gone through countless trial-and-error campaigns to find the success that I have now. I’m going to spare you all of the fluff in this article and get right down to what works.

Video on social media works. Why? Millennials are on social media and video content is preferred by most social platforms because it keeps users on their platforms longer. So here is your 5 step method to how to boost your business with video:

1] Get Photo & Video Content

Grabbing a handful of photo and video clips at each job is your first step. Most non-photographers think they can’t capture professional photos and videos. To an extent that’s true, but the good news is that you don’t need to. You just need to show off the amazing parties you’re responsible for. To do that, just take photos and videos with your phone making sure that you’re holding it still (maybe even leaning it on something) and shooting with the light mostly behind you. (You could also make friends with the photographers and videographers at your events and get photos and footage from them in exchange for proper credit and future referrals.)

2] Match Your Brand

Branding is one of the most important aspects of your business. In fact, a lot of clients will decide not to work with you based on your brand alone. If you want a few branding secrets, head to to download my free eBook 9 Secret Ways to Brand Your Business. For what it pertains to in your video content, just make sure you’re not throwing a different Instagram filter or editing technique on every photo and video. Consistency is key in any good brand.

3] Make A Video

I know, I know, It seems like I just skipped 17 steps here! Trust me, I didn’t. Making videos today is seriously easy. After you’ve taken a bunch of photo and video clips, you just need to put them together. There are a lot of programs out there to do this, and I have tried them all. Personally, I use Animoto because it’s fast, easy and reliable. You can literally upload your photos and videos, click here and there, and have a finished marketing video done in 20 minutes or less.

Don’t believe me? I’ve made you a tutorial on how to do it that you can watch for free at You’ll watch how I make a video in less than 10 minutes and be ready to do it for yourself right afterwards. Plus, I’ve given you a few examples of the types of marketing videos you can make on that page as well. Hint: you can also communicate better with your existing clients via video!

4] Make it Compelling

Now that our world has an attention span that parallels a goldfish, it’s not enough to unintentionally slap together photos and videos. You have to make it interesting enough to keep the attention of the viewer as well. There are a few tricks to doing this that’ll come in handy when you’re putting your film together.

First, keep it short. Keep everything short. Photos should only be on the screen for 1-3 seconds. Video clips less than 5 each (unless something really, really interesting is happening), and the entire video should be under a minute. Under one minute ensures you can post the video on Instagram, though Facebook suggests videos be closer to 15 seconds for the best possibility of being watched all the way through!

Second, use text. 80% of people are watching your videos without their sound turned on. You need to be able to communicate your video’s purpose without audio. Of course, make sure you have audio on the video (Animoto has free music included for you), but don’t rely on it to convey your message.

Third, bounce the eyes. This is a great technique primarily used in cinema and TV shows that subliminally causes the viewer to be more interested, or less bored, in your video. To do this, arrange your photos, video clips and text in a way that moves around the screen. Don’t have the subject of every clip be in the centre. Have it go from left, to bottom, to top right, to middle, to top left and so on. Moving the viewer’s eyes around the screen will keep them engaged in your video just a few seconds longer.

5] Post it Everywhere

Once you’ve created your masterpiece, it’s time to share it with the world! Download the video and upload it to your social platforms directly, rather than via the ‘share’ button in Animoto. It’ll slightly help boost the chance of your video being seen by more people.

At a minimum, I recommend you having a social presence on Facebook and Instagram, so post your videos there with the proper tags and hashtags. If you need some help with tricks to posting on social media, I’ve got just what you need right here in a FREE replay webinar chock full of social media tips:
The full review can be found in Pro Mobile Issue 89, Pages 42-44.


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