Loudspeaker Show III
Following in the success of last year's event, the confirmed date for the next Coalville Loudspeaker Show is Sunday the 9th of March at the Charnwood Arms Hotel, Coalville, Nr Leicester.
People from across the UK are set to take along a wide range of speakers (both powered and unpowered), amplifiers and playout equipment in order to compare the advantages and disadvantages of various systems.
This is an unmissable event for anyone considering a new PA system, or just for anyone curious to hear what’s on the market!
If you want to take a speaker system to demonstrate this must be pre-arranged by speaking to the organisers first. Spectators and listeners are welcome and a modest entry fee will be payable to cover costs. As always the Charnwood Arms has an excellent carvery on a Sunday to help with the social and networking side of the day.
You can email Dave Jones who is organising this show on dj@groovynightsdiscos.com for more information.
Published: 21 February 2008