NADJ Branch Membership Referral Scheme
After a very successful year, the NADJ are considering ways that they can continue to grow their membership. One of the more innovative ways they have come up with is a ‘Branch Membership Referral Scheme’. This entails giving £5 to branches that sign up a new member of the Association.
For example, if the Wales branch were to refer five new members through their branch in one month, they would be entitled to £25 of funding from the central funds of the NADJ. That money can be used by the branch for the direct benefit of the members in that area. An example of this could be discounted or free entry to a seminar from an expert who can help NADJ members develop their business or skills as a DJ. Branch funds could be used to pay for the vital knowledge that the specialist can bring to the seminar and that's exactly what the Wales branch has just organised.
This extra benefit of membership can only be achieved through the continued growth and support of NADJ members, who can directly benefit their local branch by referring a new member to the Association. The NADJ will give £5 to branches that sign up a new member – renewing members are not included in the referral bonus to the branches.
The NADJ Committee first looked into a referral system in September 2010 and the consensus was that members were very uneasy about giving membership money to individuals or businesses. The NADJ want to directly benefit and reward their branches and this was seen to be the best way of encouraging DJs to start a branch in their area and also benefit members through the existing branch network.